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Achieve sustainable business success through consistently wise business choices

Sustainable business success

Most businesses have a sustainable success problem. They struggle to grow and suffer from high failure rates.


In South Africa 80% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. A key contributor to business struggle and

failure is a lack of effective strategic management.

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Sharpening the Saw

A guy gets up early in the morning to take a stroll through the forest. While walking he comes across a man with a saw furiously sawing a huge tree. He greets the man and continues on his merry way. In the afternoon, on his way back he comes across the same man, with the same saw still furiously sawing the same tree.

He notices that the man has made little progress. Taking a closer look at the saw he also notices that the saw is blunt. He says to the man “Sir, your saw is blunt. Why don’t you stop and sharpen the saw and you will make faster progress getting through that tree." 


The man looks at him with exasperation. "I don’t have time to sharpen the saw because I’m too busy sawing!”

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And this is the situation a lot of SME’s find themselves in. They are so operationally focused and lurching from one crisis to the next that they don’t want to create the time to be more effective through effective strategic management. Creating the time for effective strategic management is a choice you have to make to sharpen your saw and drive the sustainable success of the business.

Effective Strategic Management

Effective strategic management improves the likelihood that the business will thrive and achieve sustainable success.

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Effective strategic management is a 4 step repeatable process that includes the development of a clear strategy for the business, the management of the business aligned to the strategy, execution of the strategy and the adaptation of the strategy to change.


Every business can learn and apply the 4 step process.

I work with businesses to enable effective strategic management that drives focus and sustainable business


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Various methodologies, frameworks and processes are used and provided to the business to enable strategic management as a repeatable process that drives the sustainable success of the business.

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